Experiences of Trans and Gender Diverse people in ART & fertility healthcare

LGBTIQA+ researchers are hoping to hear from a small number of people from trans and gender diverse communities about their experiences of fertility preservation, and within Assisted Reproductive Treatment and fertility healthcare.

This project aims to grow the evidence base related to trans fertility and fertility preservation experience. Findings from this research project will be used to further trans health equity and reproductive justice within reproductive health spaces.

You might be eligible to participate in this research project if you are trans or gender diverse, aged over 18, and:
1) you have accessed fertility preservation through the freezing of eggs, sperm, embryos, ovarian tissue or testicular tissue

2) you have accessed fertility services to conceive a pregnancy or build your family, or

3) you considered accessing fertility preservation and/or fertility services, but these services were inaccessible to you.

Participants will receive financial compensation for their participation in this research project.

This research project has been approved by Griffith University Human Research Ethics Committee (Approval number GU Ref 2024/260, research-ethics@griffith.edu.au).


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