Become a Member

Membership is currently available to people who:

1. Are born or reside in Western Australia;
2. Have or currently seeking a diagnosis of endometriosis or adenomyosis;
3. Are joining for individual support purposes.

EndometriosisWA will be forming an additional membership category for supporters of people with endometriosis in future.

Fill out the membership form, ensuring you meet membership criteria and agree to the terms and conditions of membership. Your application will be assessed at our next board meeting. Once approved, you will receive confirmation of the decision. Additionally, voting members will receive a link to pay the membership fee. Invitations to our annual general meeting are emailed annually in July. If you are not receiving any emails, please contact

WArrior membership is for any person who was born or resides in Western Australia and is seeking a diagnosis or is already diagnosed with endometriosis and/or adenomyosis. The membership allows free attendance to our events and other services. In the past we have provided all our services for free, and this will not be changing for supporters that sign up. The reason we are asking for our supporters to become official members of the organisation is to strengthen our cause when advocating for policy changes and applying for funding in future.

WArrior PLUS membership allows an individual voting member rights for important decisions on how the organisation is run. The $50 fee is annual and funds go towards EndometriosisWA to be used for administration costs and our three pillars: education and awareness, support and research. Once a year, we meet for an Annual General Meeting where we present what the organisation has accomplished and where funding was raised and spent. At this meeting, important decisions are made about how the organisation will run for the next year.

The security of you personal information is very important to us and EndometriosisWA maintains a strict policy around data storage and information sharing. Your identifiable personal information will not be shared with any other organisation or individual outside of our board. The information entered into the membership form will be available to the board for the purpose of approving your membership at our board meeting. Your personal information such as name and contact details will then be stored securely in a password protected member register that is only accessible to the President and Secretary. On occasion, we may use dei-dentified demographic information of our member base (e.g. total number of members in certain age groups, occupations or regions) to inform grant applications and reporting. If you cease to be a member your data will be kept in the same register as a former member. If you would like this data permanently erased, please contact


Choose Your Membership(Required)
Member requirements(Required)
The requirements that need to be met for you to create a member are:


I would like to receive regular updates from EndoWA via email


I declare all the information given on this form is true and correct.

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