Resources and Links

A list of local and national support groups and charities. 


EndoZone is an evidence-based platform co-created with people affected by endometriosis, designed to respond to the community’s needs, and funded by the Australian Government and Jean Hailes for Women’s Health. It was developed by people living with endometriosis, their supporters, the Australian Coalition for Endometriosis (ACE), clinicians and endometriosis and pain researchers. The EndoZone platform features an interactive health report tool to perform a quick symptom check and provides a summary of your experience with endometriosis or pelvic pain for you to take with you to your doctor. It also provides suggestions to help you manage your symptoms. 

Pelvic Pain Foundation of Australia 

Pelvic pain can be complicated, with multiple factors contributing to the experience of pain in each person with endometriosis. PPFA provide an overview of pelvic pain, its causes, contributing factors, and various ways to manage pain including drug free home-based techniques such as pelvic stretches, with guides freely available to download:  


Matilda is a paid digital platform, providing holistic care for people with confirmed or suspected endometriosis.

Activate Mental Health

Activate Mental Health offers numerous opportunities for fun and inclusive meetup opportunities to support mental health and wellbeing in the Perth community.


A not-for-profit organisation supporting Western Australian support groups. Their directory will help connect you with local support networks for help with any other conditions or circumstances that may be affecting you.


European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology: Endometriosis Guideline

The ESHRE Guidelines are the most recently updated international guideline published in February 2022, with a comprehensive review of the available scientific literature and current recommendations. Both the full guideline and the plain English patient version are freely available for download.


The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists:

Endometriosis clinical practice guideline:

The Australian developed endometriosis guideline were developed in 2021, and due for review in 2024. There has been concerns from the community with calls for an earlier review; for more information please feel free to read our letter to RANZCOG with feedback from our members.

A patient information leaflet was also developed in 2021, available for download here:


National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (UK)

Endometriosis Quality standard [QS172]:

RANZCOG selected the UK’s NICE guideline as the reference guideline for development of Australia’s endometriosis guideline. The NHS and the UK based Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists also provide patient information leaflets.